Quotes From "Vignette" By Jim Butcher

Pain is a byproduct of life. That’s the truth. Life sometimes sucks. That’s true for everyone. But if you don’t face the pain and the suck, you don’t ever get the other things either. Laughter. Joy. Love. Pain passes, but those things are worth fighting for. Worth dying for. Jim Butcher
I have nightmares about hell, where all I do is...
I have nightmares about hell, where all I do is add up numbers and try to have conversations with people like you. Jim Butcher
Every soul is special. They’re all beautiful. They’re all far more significant than anyone on this rock realizes. I think when people are at their best, they’re acting in accordance with their soul. The ones who have gone bad don’t have bad souls. They’ve just given up on keeping in touch with them. Jim Butcher
There’s nothing that makes you more insane than family. Or more happy. Or more exasperated. Or more .. . secure. Jim Butcher
Evil isn’t the real threat to the world. Stupid is just as destructive as Evil, maybe more so, and it’s a hell of a lot more common. What we really need is a crusade against Stupid. That might actually make a difference. Jim Butcher